As a sponsor, we will work with you to promote your business. Your donation will be featured prominently at the event in the program and on pre-event literature and media. We’ll feature your donation in all promotional materials leading up to the brunch including our website, email announcements and online promotions. But most important, you will feel proud to know that you are able to give back to the community at a time when it is most needed.
We hope you will join us in this worth-while event by sponsoring at a meaningful level.
For more information on event sponsorship packet and business marketing opportunities for the 6th Detroit Derby Brunch, please email DetroitDerbyBrunch@gmail.com
PLATINUM Level Event Sponsorship: $2000 +
Prominent name and logo placement on all printed materials related to event
Logo placement on banners, which serve as backdrop in all press photo opportunities.
Gift Bag Contribution
4 general seating tickets to Event
GOLD Level Event Sponsorship: $1000+
Prominent name and logo placement on all printed materials related to event
Logo placement and website on DDB web site Event Page
Gift Bag Contribution
3 general seating tickets to event
SILVER Level Event Sponsorship: $500+
Logo placement on DDB web site Event Page
Gift Bag Contribution
2 general seating tickets to event
BRONZE Level Event Sponsorship: $250+
Logo placement on DDB web site Event Page
Gift Bag Contribution
1 general seating ticket to event
Advertising Sponsorship: $100+
Logo placement on DDB web site Event Page
Gift Bag Contribution